Tuesday 31 January 2012

Fresh start

I have decided that today I will start the game from the start again. Probably for a silly reason.

At the start of the game you can got of with one of two characters. When I first played it I went off with Hadvar. I did not notice at the time that I could have gone off with Ralof.

It was later when I saw my partner go off with him that I realized this. I then thought that I should have gone with Ralof.

I should have started the game again then, but I was not that bothered at the time.

When I finished the Stormcloak rebellion I met up with Ralof and it was then that I decided that I really should have gone with Ralof at the start. The house that you go to as well is much friendlier and there is not a woman there moaning about me keeping away from her husband.

I have kept all of my saves and screenshots in case I change my mind.

I have decided to go for a Nord this time. I usually go for Elves. I thought it would be nice to be something different.

So here is my new character.

The only thing that will be a pain will be rediscovering the land again. However I will make it fun. I am now working to get my first house again.

Saturday 28 January 2012


I decided that I would go back intot the den with the vampires to get a book that was there. I thought all of the vampires had been dealt with...apparantly not though. One of them took longer to deal with than the others and she turned me into a vampire.

Thankfully I was able to get to go strait to the temple of Mara and once I had prayed at the altar I was cured of my vampirism.

Though it could be fun to let a character become a vampire just to see what it is like. I would keep a save so that if it is not that fun I can stop being a vampire the easy way.

Thursday 26 January 2012

Fun quest

It did not take me too long to complete the dunken night quest. That was really fun. It is nice to do a quest that is fun. There was a fun twist at the end which I enjoyed.

I did think that this section was very pretty:

After that I was onto the Vampires in Markarth.

I am really enjoying it again. Though I really have to be careful that I do not slip back into the old habit of spending too much time on it and then burning out.

Though for now I think I will stick to quests that are easier to complete.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

I must confess that I played the game so much when it first came out that the housework got neglected.

I then burnt myself out and stopped playing it.

Recently I got the soundtrack to the game. Listening to that made me want to play it again. Hopefully this time I will not burn myself out. I did think it would be fun to keep a journal to what I have done in the game.

The main quest that I am doing now is the drinkiong contest one. Now that I am starting to play the game again I thought it would be good to start off by playing the fun quests.

This game makes me want to take lots and lots of screenshots. I have edited the bar off the top of them to turn them into wallpaper.